Sketchbook doodles…

25 04 2014


Thought I’d put a few recent doodles up here, just so’s they’re all in the same place, like.

Most of my scribbles are done whilst travelling on trains to and from work, so sometimes they get a bit wobbly. I use a Blackwing pencil (the best pencil in THE WORLD! Try it!), and any colouring-in is usually done when I get home using Caran d’Ache coloured pencils.

First off is “Girl With Pet Monster”, done for the most excellent Daily Doodle. Here’s the rough:


And here’s the coloured-in version:


Here’s a girl on a toadstool. She could be some kind of flightfless fairy. Or maybe she’s elvish. Or a Thumbellina. Or just a very, very tiny person. Or a normal-sized person on a massive toadstool…


This is another Daily Doodle one – it was for National Pig-in-a-Blanket day. I couldn’t bear to draw pigs wrapped in bacon, so went for the European/US version, wrapped in pastry. Here’s the rough:


And the coloured-in version:


Most recent is today’s Daily Doodle challenge: Detective Hedgehog:


And here’s a little late-night doodle based on my gorgeous wee nephew:


Finally, here’s “Henry’s Amazing Hat” – another Daily Doodle challenge (Small Boy Big Hat) which sparked off a story idea… Maybe you’ll see more of this at a later date!


Bye for now!

A doodle a day…

3 04 2014

There’s a new doodley thing going on. It’s on Twitter, and goes by the cunning name of Daily Doodle. Every day a theme is tweeted, and folk submit a doodle. It’s great fun!

This week, the themes are all related to classic children’s books, and yesterday’s was “Room on the Broom”, written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler.

I managed to grab a few minutes to submit a wee doodle, then later in bed was kept awake by a rhyme to go with it. So here it is, along with the offending doodle:

Room on the Broom

Megan was a witch
She wore a witchy hat
She ran a taxi service
But found business rather flat.

The reason for her troubles
Was her mouldy, ancient broom
It only went ‘phut-phut-phut-phut’
Whilst modern ones went ‘ZOOOOOOM!’

Poor Megan felt so very sad
As by her broom she sat,
If no-one used her service soon
She’d have to sell the cat.

So if you need a taxi
And have some time to spare
Please take a trip with Megan –
She’s slow, but gets you there.
